
📦 X-Update Manager - GUI control panel to get and deploy modules, preloads and themes.

Primary LanguagePHP

X-Updare Store XOOPSCube powered-by-electricity


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. License GPL X-Update Manager

///// — X-Update Manager :: Software Update Service

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MODULE X-Update Manager
Description Software Update Service to install new Add-ons, Modules and Themes for XCL Web Application Platform.
Render Engine Smarty v2 and XCube Layout
Version 2.40.0
Author Nobuhiro Yasutomi @nbuy XCL PHP8
Author Nuno Luciano @gigamaster XCL PHP7
Author @nao-pon @naao @kilica @hamaco
Copyright 2005-2024 Authors
License GPL
💻 The Minimum Requirements
      Apache, Nginx, etc.
      PHP 8.x.x with cURL extension
      MySQL 5.7, MariaDB  InnoDB utf8 / utf8mb4
      XCL version 2.4.0

X-Update Manager

X-update Manager is a software update service (SUS) with a user-friendly GUI to quickly extend and update your web app.
With the introduction of X-update, site administrators just need to log-in to the administration Control Panel to install or update modules, themes, libraries and preloads. X-update also provides support for language catalogs (localization) and multiple instances of D3 modules (duplicatable and directory free). In addition, you can manage your FTP/SSH credentials in the module preferences.
This module can download all critical updates and security patches to your server as soon as they become available. The deployment is as fast as possible by downloading archives from repositories such as GitHub or GitLab.


  • Compatible modules and themes can be installed without a FTP client software.
  • The latest versions of supported modules and themes can be downloaded from Git servers.
  • User-friendly unzip, extract, and upload from X-Update Dashboard administration screen
  • Simple installation wizard for modules and themes.
  • Support for extensions and plugins, e.g. preloads.


  • Folder used to download and extract archives.
    Specify a directory under (trust_path), without a "/" (slash) at the beginning and end.
    Or use the default "uploads/xupdate" with write permissions such as 707, 777.

📘 Documentation

For more information, see the module's built-in Help documentation.