
Primary LanguageJavaScript


IMDB CLONE - Project Report Live Demo


This is a simple web-based todo list application designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently. The application provides a clean and intuitive interface for adding, updating, and deleting tasks. It also includes features to categorize tasks and mark them as complete.


  1. Add Tasks: Quickly add new tasks.
  2. Update Tasks: Opreations like delete, mark as done, mask as incomplete
  3. Categorize Tasks: Organize tasks into different categories like All task, completed tasks and incomplete tasks.

Code Structure:

  • HTML:

    • index.html: Home page layout.
  • CSS:

    • index.css: Styles for the entire application.
  • JavaScript:

    • script.js: Handles search functionality and general application logic for index.html(home) page.

Code Quality:

  • Comments:

    • Code is well-commented, providing insights into functionality and purpose.
  • Indentation and Naming:

    • Consistent indentation and meaningful variable/function naming enhance code readability.
  • Styling:

    • Clear separation of concerns with a dedicated CSS file for styling.

Additional Components:

  • Success Message:
    • A success message notifies the user perform different operations.

GitHub and Hosting:

  • GitHub Repository:

    • All code is hosted on GitHub.
  • Readme:

    • A comprehensive Readme.md file is included, providing instructions, project overview, and setup details.

Video Explanation:

  • A concise video explanation is available, demonstrating how the project was approached, the implemented features, and an overview of the final product.


The Todo List Web App aims to provide users with a streamlined and user-friendly solution for managing their tasks effectively. The application leverages a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver a responsive and intuitive user interface.s.

Future Improvements:

  • Explore additional features like user authentication for personalized favorites.
  • Enhance the user interface and add more engaging visuals.