
Shake is a open source CLI for easily monitoring various ressources consumed by a proccess, such as CPU, RAM, Network etc.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Shake is a lightweight open-source command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to facilitate monitoring of resources consumed by a process such as RAM, CPU, Network. Its simple setup ensures immediate usability with minimal configuration.

Project Information

  • Name: Shake
  • Requires Python & pip: >= 3.7
  • License: MIT License


To install Shake, execute the following commands in your terminal:

Linux / MacOS

git clone https://github.com/hugo-cachon/shake-cli.git
cd shake-cli

Basic usage

Finding Processes

To retrieve a list of all processes running in the environment, use the following command:

shake find


[-] Pid:     1 | Name: systemd
[-] Pid:     2 | Name: kthreadd
[-] Pid:     3 | Name: pool_workqueue_release

To find a specific process by its name, use:

shake find <name>


[-] Pid: 101010 
[-] Name: <name> 
[-] Is running: bool

Monitoring Processes

Initiate the monitoring of a specific process using:

shake run <pid>


[-] Name: <name> 
[-] Memory Usage: 650.582 MB 
[-] CPU Usage: 1.90%

[Network Usage]
[-] Bytes Sent: 103.45 MB
[-] Bytes Received: 2.31 GB
[-] Packets Sent: 1,234
[-] Packets Received: 15,789

For more detailed information about arguments or options, feel free to use the --help command at any time.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENCE file for details.


Thanks to the contributors who make Shake better with their valuable implementation and feedback!