FBP项目全称FootBallPrediction,历经9个月完成的足球比赛预测项目。项目结合大数据+机器学习,不断摸索开发了一个程序。程序根据各大公司赔率多维度预测足球比赛结果(包含胜和不胜)。机器学习用的是自己建立的“三木板模型”算法,已在国家期刊发表论文并被万方数据库收录,详见_ML_文件。目前准确率可达80%。该项目在自己创建的微信群里已经吸引了很多人,附件为群讨论截图,并且每天均有部分人根据预测结果参考投注竞彩,参考的人都获得了相应的收益。 现在想通过认识更多的有识之士,一起探索如何将项目做大做强,找到合伙人,实现共赢。希望感兴趣的同仁联系本人,微信号acredjb。公众号AI金胆(或AI-FBP),每天都有程序预测的足球比赛。程序优势请看Advantages和README文件。程序3.0版本:(第三轮目前13中12) 8月10日:13让负(正确) 8月11日:27让负(正确) 8月12日:11让负(正确) 8月13日:6胜(不正确) 8月14日:25让负(正确) 8月15日:无预测 8月16日:1胜(正确) 8月17日:6让负(正确) 8月18日:16胜(正确) 8月19日:34让负(正确) ... 1.0版本(第一轮为11中9) 2.0版本(第二轮13中11).


The full name of FBP is FootBallPrediction, which has been predicted for 9 months. In the project, combined with big data and machine learning, we explored and developed a software. The software can predict the outcome of a football match (including winning and losing results) in multiple dimensions based on the odds offered by major gambling companies. At present, the accuracy rate can reach more than 80%, in the software version 1.0 and 2.0 version of the forecast results are 9 games in 11 and 11 games in 13, respectively. The current version of the software is 22.0, predicting eight of the nine matches from the start of the major football leagues on August 11, 2018 to August 20, 2018. The project has attracted more than 60 people in its own microblogging community, and most of them are betting on the predicted results every day, and each of them gains. Now I want to know more people of insight, together explore how to make the project bigger and stronger, find partners, to achieve a win-win situation. I hope the interested colleagues will contact me, micro signal acredjb. Subscriptions is AI-FBP . AI-FBP predicts football game everyday. The Advantages of FBP are listed in file "Advantages". #20200312# begin next stage

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