Snapchat like swipeable filter view in pure swift.
Doesn't matter if you want to apply directly to live camera or static image. Simple pass the UIImage/CIImage to the fuction provided. Both examples are provided.
Suport over CocoaPods is coming next.
Simply drag and drop the DSSwipableFilterView folder inside your project in xCode and you are good to go. The library is writen in Swift so if you want to use it in Objective-C project you would need to have the "ProjectName-Swift.h" file autogenerated by xCode for you.
After adding the library to your poject open up your viewcontroller and first inicialize the array of filters that you want to use
let filterList = [DSFilter(name: "No Filter", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectMono", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectChrome", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectTransfer", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectInstant", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectNoir", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectProcess", type: .ciFilter),
DSFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectTonal", type: .ciFilter)]
DSFilter is providing few inicializers and they are with Name and Type or you can pass already created CIFilter directly. For now the usage of Types other then ciFilter and combinedFilters is not yet done.
Initialize with Name and Type
let dsFilter = DSFilter(name: "No Filter", type: .ciFilter),
Initialize with CIFilter and Type
let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectChrome")!
let dsFilter = DSFilter(name: "DirectFilter", filter: filter, type: .ciFilter)
Initialize with Name and CIFIlter, here the type will be set to .ciFilter
by default
let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectChrome")!
let dsFilter = DSFilter(name: "Filter", filter: filter)
This class also supports combination of Two CIFilters, just pass array of two CIFIlters to the init and you are good to go. More then Two coming in the next versions.
let filterOne = CIFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectChrome")!
let filterTwo = CIFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectProcess")!
let dsCombinedFilter = DSFilter(combinedFilter: [filterOne, filterTwo])
Please use "No Filter" as a name when you want to add No filters to the image
Next after you have prepared your list of DSFilters you need to prepare the DSSwipableFilterView. Simply add it in your Storyboard, Xib or create it manualy from code with preferred frame or constraints.
let filterSwipeView = DSSwipableFilterView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
After allocating your view next is to set some properties:
filterSwipeView.dataSource = self
filterSwipeView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
filterSwipeView.isMultipleTouchEnabled = true
filterSwipeView.isExclusiveTouch = false
self.view.addSubview(filterSwipeView) // only if you are adding via code
DSSwipableFilterView provides protocol which has three functions which you need to implement:
// pass the number of filters that you have in your array of DSFilter
func numberOfFilters(_ filterView: DSSwipableFilterView) -> Int
//return the DSFilter at the given index
func filter(_ filterView: DSSwipableFilterView, filterAtIndex index: Int) -> DSFilter
//return the index of which you want to start
func startAtIndex(_ filterView: DSSwipableFilterView) -> Int
DSSwipableFilterView provides public functions for passing the image that you want to filter, currently supports CIImage and UIImage. When you have your image ready for presentation simply call:
let uiImage = .... get your image
filterSwipeView.setRenderImage(image: uiImage)
If you are adding video from library please use the isPlayingLibraryVideo
property and set it to true
or false
for everything else.
Thats it you are good to go!
Exporting filtered UIImage is also supported just call the public function on DSSwipableFilterView getFilteredImage()
let uiImage = filterSwipeView.getFilteredImage()
- Add support landscape images without quality loss and disorientation
- Add support more then Two CIFilters in the Combined DSFilter
- Expan the library with also Drawing on the images