Express.js App

This is a simple Express.js application designed to fulfill various requirements, including serving static files, handling different routes, creating and deleting files, and uploading files using both multer and express-fileforge.

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Live URL:

Requirements Implemented:

  1. HTTP Server Creation: The app utilizes the express module to create an HTTP server.
  2. Port Listening: The server listens on port 5500.
  3. Logging: A message is logged to the console when the server starts listening on port 5500.
  4. Routing:
    • /: Displays the Home Page.
    • /about: Displays the About Page.
    • /contact: Displays the Contact Page.
    • /file-create: Renders a page to create files.
    • /file-upload: Renders a page to upload files.
  5. File Operations:
    • fs.writeFile(): Creates a file named demo.txt with the content "hello world" when requested via /file-create.
    • File deletion is supported via /fileDelete route.
  6. File Upload:
    • Utilizes multer for file uploading (/uploadMulter route).
    • Also demonstrates file upload using express-fileforge (/uploadFileforge route).

Getting Started:

  1. Installation:

        npm install
  2. Run the Server:

         node app.js
  3. Accessing Routes:


  • Express.js
  • Body-parser
  • EJS
  • Multer
  • Express-fileforge


  • Ensure proper file permissions for file operations.
  • Customize routes and functionalities as per project requirements.


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