
Front-end workflow with Gulp, BrowserSync, Pug, PostCSS, Browserify.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Front-end Workflow

Front-end workflow with Gulp , BrowserSync , Pug , PostCSS , Browserify

PostCSS Plugins: cssnext , lost , import , reporter , rucksack , postcss-mixins , postcss-nested


1. Global Install

  1. Install Node.js (for your platform).
  2. run npm install --g gulp browser-sync browserify.

2. Local Install

git clone https://github.com/xowei/frontend-workflow.git

Install dependencies npm install

3. Use

src folder is sources code : contains Pug, PostCSS, Javascript, Javascript modules, fonts, images etc.

dist folder is for public : contains HTML, CSS, javascript, fonts, compressed images etc.

  • gulp or npm run dev: Start dev mode server. Local view:

  • gulp --production or npm start: run all the tasks. Compressed html, css and js and open server

  • gulp build --production or npm run build run all the tasks. Compressed html, css and js without open server

  • gulp pug Compile Pug to HTML
  • gulp css Compile PostCSS to single CSS file named 'styles.css'
  • gulp js Compile script.js with browserify to single javascript file named 'scripts.js'
  • gulp assets copy fonts and compressed images
  • gulp, npm start run all of the above task and open browser-sync server using production mode
  • gulp del remove dist folder