
Our fork of WeAllJS's Wheelie app for the XOXO Slack

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Wheelie for XOXO

This is an adaptation of WeAllJS's Wheelie Slack app.

The /mods command replaces /admin to keep in line with XOXO's terminology, and the bot's text has been updated for how XOXO's Slack instance uses private channels. XOXO does not use the signup part of the bot.

The original README is below:


Wheelie is a Slack App originally written for WeAllJS. It takes care of various bits that a given slack might need, such as an /admin command, a signup request handler with request review, slack statistics, and channel management.

Getting up and running

Wheelie is a heroku app, so let's get that set up. A straightforward way is to clone this repo and go through the steps of adding a heroku remote and deploying to it.

Also, add the redis addon: heroku addons:create rediscloud:30


Wheelie is also a slack app! Go to https://<your slack>.slack.com/apps/build, "Get Started with Slack Apps", then "Build an App". You're in the Slack App configuration section, let's set up Wheelie with the following:

Basic Information

In the Basic Information section of your slack app, get (and set in the environment) SLACK_CLIENT_ID, SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET and VERIFICATION_TOKEN (available after enabling Interactive Messages) from the corresponding fields. That is, heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_ID=...client id...

Then, run heroku config:set APP_URL=https://<appname>.herokuapp.com

OAuth and Permissions

Next, you should add the app's redirect uri to the redirect field on that page. The URI is: https://<appname>.herokuapp.com/oauth

Bot Users

Pick a valid name for your bot. Anything is fine.

Interactive Messages

Next, go to Interactive Messages and set https://<appname>.herokuapp.com/button as the Request URL.

Slack Commands

In the Slack Commands section, set up all the Wheelie commands as follows, using https://<appname>.herokuapp.com/command as the Request URL for all of them (the same endpoint is shared across all commands).

  • /admin <message for admins> Notifies the admin channel.
  • /help? <nothing> Displays bot help.
  • /join-private <channel> Join a private channel.
  • /list-private [filter] List private channels.

Other setup steps

Visit https://<appname>.herokuapp.com/install and click the "Add to Slack" button.


Create two private channels: #admin and #admin-signups and invite your bot into both of those. #admin is where /admin commands will go. #admin-signups is where web signups requests will go.

Dedicated Invite User

  • Create a new slack user with the name and email you want Slack invites to be sent with (for example, MyCommunity Inviter <inviter@mycommunity.org>).
  • Grant the user admin privileges
  • Log in with the user on your browser (by visiting <yourslack>.slack.com)
  • Visit https://<appname>.herokuapp.com/install-inviter?team=<team_id> -- the URL will be displayed the first time you try to accept a user anyway.