
Atlassian JIRA client API for XP Framework

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status on TravisCI XP Framework Module BSD Licence Required PHP 5.5+ Supports PHP 7.0+ Supports HHVM 3.5+ Latest Stable Version

Atlassian JIRA client API for XP Framework

Usage example

First of all, you need to include the JiraClient class which can be used easily to access the JIRA resources. The following shows a short code example how to use it:

use com\atlassian\jira\api\JiraClient;
use com\atlassian\jira\api\query\JiraQuery;
use com\atlassian\jira\api\query\JiraQueryOp;

// Create client (credentials missing here!)
$c= new JiraClient('https://jira.example.com/rest/api/2/');

// Query for issues
$issues= $c->queryIssues((new JiraQuery())
  ->add('status', 'Open', JiraQueryOp::$EQUALS)
  ->addAnd('project', 'BIT', JiraQueryOp::$EQUALS)

// Print out list of issues
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
    '==> %s: %s (%s)',

The classes

The current implementation has the following classes:

  • com.atlassian.jira.api.JiraClient - the client class which is the main entry point for the application
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.query.JiraQuery - the query object which can be used to build the query
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.query.JiraQueryCriteria - a more complex query object which can be used to build a complex query (see below)
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.query.JiraQueryOp - the query operators which can be used (equals, greater, ...)
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.query.JiraQueryResult - the query result object which contains all information returned for a query

The different types:

  • com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraProject - a representation for the JIRA project
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraComponent - a representation for the JIRA component
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraIssue - a representation for the JIRA issue* com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraPerson - a representation for a person
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraPriority - a representation for the issue priority
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraStatus - a representation of the issue status
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.types.JiraIssueType - a representation of the issue type

The gadgets currently implemented:

  • com.atlassian.jira.api.gadget.JiraStatsGadget - Generates a list of issue statistic (e.g. assigned issues by person)
  • com.atlassian.jira.api.gadget.JiraCreatedVsResolvedGadget - Shows a statistics chart for created vs. resolved issues for a given query or filter

Using a gadget

Gadget are extension for JIRA which does some "magic". For example it can do special reports or generates some fancy charts. The following example is using the statistics gadget:

$result= $client->generateGadget($gadget= create(new JiraStatsGadget())
  ->withProjectOrFilterId('filter-11675')  // Bugs assigned to iDev
$n= $stats->addChild(new Node('gadget', NULL, array(
  'name'   => $gadget->getName(),
  'title'  => $result->getFilterOrProjectName(),
  'issues' => $result->getTotalIssueCount()
foreach ($result->getRows() as $row){
  $n->addChild(new Node('person', strip_tags($row['html']), array(
    'percent' => $row['percentage'],
    'count'   => $row['count']

JQL query example

use com\atlassian\jira\api\JiraClient;
use com\atlassian\jira\api\query\JqlQuery;

// Create client (credentials missing here!)
$c= new JiraClient('https://jira.example.com/rest/api/2/');

// Query for issues
$issues= $c->queryIssues(new JqlQuery('status = "Open" and project = "Example"'));

// Print out list of issues
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
    '==> %s: %s (%s)',