
[6.X SERIES] Version-independent runners for the XP Framework

Primary LanguagePHP

XP Runners

Build Status on TravisCI BSD Licence

Work now continues over at https://github.com/xp-runners/reference. There will only be bugfix releases to this 6.X series!

The XP runners are bash scripts (on Unix-like systems) or C# programs (Windows) that are used to start XP programs.

Supported platforms

  • Un*x
  • BSD
  • Cygwin
  • Windows (that is non-Cygwin)


Runners need to be compiled for the respective target platform. On Unix, BSD, Cygwin platform the compilation step consists of solely a C preprocessor invocation. For Windows, C# files have to be compiled. You need the .NET Runtime 4.0 installed on your system.

See make all output for the compilation targets.


Run make test [PHP=/path/to/php/binary] to test runners and the shared code.


This is the preferrred way of installing the runners:

$ cd ~/bin
$ wget 'https://github.com/xp-framework/xp-runners/releases/download/v6.4.0/setup' -O - | php

From this directory

For Unix, BSD, Cygwin install targets exist that do install the final scripts into /usr/bin (or a given different directory).


We recommend creating Debian .deb files using the checkinstall utility:

% xp-runners$ sudo checkinstall \
  --type=debian \
  --pkgname=xp-runners \
  --pkgversion=6.3.0 \
  --pkggroup=devel \
  --pkglicense=BSD \
  --pkgarch all -y \
  --requires=php5-cli,realpath \
  --backup=no \
  --install=no \
  --nodoc \
  --reset-uids=yes \
  make unix.install