
A benchmark tool aimed at stress testing scale nodes which consist by node.js + socket.io(1.0.2) + socket.io-redis

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Socket.io benchmarking tool

A benchmark tool aimed at stress testing scale nodes which consist by node.js + socket.io(latest) + socket.io-redis


    -n     <number>   total request number to be sent
    -c     <number>   concurrency number, the same workers number
    --ioc  <number>   clients number in per worker
    -t     <number>   interval time for emitting in per worker(ms)

   DEBUG=benchmark:* ./bin/nb -n 1000 -c 10 --ioc 10 -t 20000 ws://localhost:3000


  • PC info
  • IP :
  • Port : 9401
  • model name : QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)
  • cpu MHz : 2199.998
  • Mem : 1877MB
| conc | ioc | intv |  ReqNum |   Max | Min |    avg |     cpu% | mem% |
|   10 |  10 | 2000 |   52300 |   626 |   2 |     47 |      4.0 |  4.1 |
|   10 |  20 | 2000 |  189627 |   899 |   2 |     72 |        8 |  9.1 |
|   10 |  30 | 2000 |  806416 |  5615 |  11 |   2462 |       11 |  4.4 |
|   10 |  30 | 3000 |  689939 |  1252 |   2 |    105 |        9 |  4.4 |
|   10 |  30 | 4000 |  442500 |   637 |   2 |     38 |        6 |  4.3 |
|   10 |  40 | 3000 | 1154760 | 68664 |   7 | 19000+ | unstable |   20 |
|   10 |  40 | 4000 | 1529954 |  6261 |  13 |  2845+ |        8 |  4.7 |
|   10 |  40 | 5000 |  817200 |  1515 |   2 |     70 |        8 |  7.7 |
|   10 |  50 | 5000 | 2234162 | 11351 |  12 |   4607 |   8 ~ 15 |  7.8 |
|   10 |  50 | 6000 |    2542 |  7386 |   8 |   2664 |        7 |  4.9 |
|   10 |  50 | 7000 | 1218472 |   684 |   2 |     77 |        6 |  5.6 |

  • 3 slavers hack 3 port respectively ** Slaver pc info
    • slaver205 -> dest203:9401
    • slaver202 -> dest203:9402
    • slaver204 -> dest203:9403

** Note seq: slalver 205, 202, 204

| conc | ioc | intv | ReqNum | Max             | Min         | avg            |      cpu% | mem%          |
|   10 |  10 | 2000 | 10w+   | 385, 183, 431   | 2,2,1       | 24, 20, 28     |   9, 9, 8 | 5.4, 4.9, 4.1 |
|   10 |  20 | 2000 | 46w+   | 5928,7187,3994  | 2,1,2       | 1542, 928,981  | 20, 16,15 | 5.1, 4.9, 4.4 |
|   10 |  30 | 2000 | N/A    | 10000+          | 2           | N/A            |       100 | 5,5,5         |
|   10 |  30 | 3000 | 43w+   | 40831+,timeout  | 976         | 25000+         |       100 | 10,5,5        |
|   10 |  30 | 4000 | 32w+   | 45862+,timeout  | 7852,840,27 | 20000+         |       100 | 5.7, 5.5, 4.4 |
|   10 |  30 | 5000 | 20w+   | 228, 181, 332   | 3,3,3       | 43, 40, 44     |     7,6,6 | 6.2, 5.2, 4.5 |
|   10 |  40 | 5000 | 38w+   | 12145,6508,6523 | 3,1,22      | 4048,1583,2341 |       100 | 14, 6, 5      |
|   10 |  40 | 6000 | 75w+   | 4w+             | 2,10,36     | 14000+         |  unstable | 14, 14, 5     |
|   10 |  40 | 9000 |        |                 |             |                |           |               |


If you have not socket.io server with latest version, U can checkout https://github.com/luckyan315/chat.git, It's a simple chatting room impl with sio(1.0.2)