
MIT Licensed 3D Engine

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Torque 6 is an MIT licensed 3D engine loosely based on Torque2D. Taking the best of Torque2D and adding a modern 3D rendering engine it aims to be a contender in the free and open-source 3D engine category.

The engine is still under heavy development and not yet ready for use in a game.



  • Renderer supports DirectX 9, DirectX 11, OpenGL 2.1, OpenGL 3.1+, OpenGLES 2.1 and OpenGLES 3.1+.
  • Multiplatform support for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
  • Asset import support major formats such as FBX, Collada, OBJ and more.
  • TorqueScript scripting language
  • Module and asset management system
  • C++ DLL plugin support
  • Single glsl-like language for all shaders
  • Deferred shaded rendering pipline with forward shading for complex materials
  • Editing suite in development
  • Physical Based Rendering (PBR)
  • Node Based Material System
  • Bullet Physics Library


Torque 6 uses GENie to generate projects to build the engine. The binaries and scripts are found in the build directory. Windows users can use build/GENERATE_VS2010/12/13.BAT to generate Visual Studio projects.

Example Projects

In Visual Studio open Properties of Torque6App and set Debugging -> Working Directory to the directory of the example you want to run and then Start Debugging.

Simple console example.


A floor, 2 animated dwarves and a set of lights.


Crytek Sponza with directional light.


Grey cubes light up green when red cube collides with them.


Terrain loaded from heightmap. Textured with a technique similar to Leadwerk's Virtual Texture Terrain.


Simple particle emitter demo.


Material demo showing varying metallic/roughness values.


Third Party Libraries

Special Thanks