
Logger backend, which logs to Sumologic using their HTTP Source.


The Sumologic backend has two required options:

  • format The format description string to use to generate log messages.
  • endpoint The HTTP endpoint to use for logging.

The following options are optional:

  • metadata List of meta-data keys to log.
  • batch_timeout Specifies how long the Logger backend accumulates messages before sending them to Sumologic.
  • source_name Specifies the source name to use.
  • source_category Specifies the source category to use.

Example configuration:

config :logger, :sumologic,
  format: "[$date $time] - $level [$metadata] message=$message",
  metadata: [:request_id, :module, :line],
  source_category: "develop/backend",
  source_name: "elixir",
  endpoint: """


In order to be able to run the test-suite, the 'endpoint' variable in test/clients/httpoison_test.exs must be set.