
Full Stack - React/Redux + Node/MongoDB + Marvel API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Maintainability

React + Node + MongoDB + Marvel API

Getting Started

Import Mongo Database Collection

  • Import power levels data:
mongoimport --db marvel --collection powerlevels --type json --file data/powerlevels.json --jsonArray

Add Marvel API Public/Private Keys


  • Install required dependencies:
npm install yarn -g


  • Run development server (port 3000): npm run dev

  • Run production server: npm run prod

  • Deploy production build (Client): npm run build

  • Run front-end tests: npm run test

  • Run integration tests: npm run test:backend


  • React w/ Redux, React Router, Dev Tools
  • Node w/ Express
  • MongoDB w/ Mongoose
  • Semantic UI
  • Webpack
  • Axios
  • Mocha, Chai, Supertest
  • Jest, Enzyme
  • CI/CD with Travis CI and Heroku


  • Toggle React Dev Tools On/Off CTRL + H


  • Move to ducks modular pattern
  • Sort table
  • Search table
  • Upgrade to React Router v4 🤔