
Chrome Extension Hot Reloader

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Chrome Extension Hot Reloader


Does not work with Manifest Version 3, as Chrome has recently removed the APIs essential for working with file system from background scripts: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65975659/how-do-i-get-access-to-all-the-files-in-the-extension-in-chrome-extension-manife/65976345 :(

Watches for file changes in your extension's directory. When a change is detected, it reloads the extension and refreshes the active tab (to re-trigger the updated scripts).

Here's a blog post explaining it (thanks to KingOfNothing for the translation).


  • Works by checking timestamps of files
  • Supports nested directories
  • Automatically disables itself in production
  • And it's under a 40 lines of code!

How To Use

  1. Drop hot-reload.js to your extension's directory.

  2. Put the following into your manifest.json file:

    "background": { "scripts": ["hot-reload.js"] }

Also, you can simply clone this repository and use it as a boilerplate for your extension.

Installing From NPM

It is also available as NPM module:

npm install crx-hotreload

Then use a require (or import) to execute the script.