
May it be a file, stdin, or even later a network connection, I will always need a way to read content line by line. It is time to start working on this function, which will be essential for my future projects.

Primary LanguageC

get_next_line - @42Madrid



What is get_next_line?

May it be a file, stdin, or even later a network connection, I will always need a way to read content line by line. It is time to start working on this function, which will be essential for my future projects.

What we have there?

A function that reads a file descriptor and return a line when new line found or there is end of file. It is implemented using static variable to maintain data while the program runs. A file with utils and a header file.

int	get_next_line(int fd, char **line)
Description Param. #1 Param. #2 Return Value
Write a function which returns a line read from a file descriptor, without the newline file descriptor for reading The value of what has been read 1 : A line has been read; 0 : EOF has been reached -1 : An error happened