Example of how to

  • run an Oracle DB in docker,
  • automatically create an application user and a test user
  • automatically create the database schema in the app and test databases
  • using liquibase to manage schema migration
  • connect to the db from a Java program.

Download the Oracle JDBC driver from Oracle, and put ojdbc8.jar in the lib folder.

Run oracle with


Wait until docker ps shows that the mydb container status is "healthy".

Create the local databases with:


If you see "bash: sqlplus: command not found", it is probably because the Oracle container status is not yet "healthy".

If you see "ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect", then you should wait another 10 seconds or so and try again.

Run the java app with

./gradlew run

Note: the Oracle JDBC drivers are not redistributable