This project is a group assignment on Computer Network, aimed to explain how hamming code works on network aspects to amateurs. It is coded by a trio from Tongji University, China. Feel free to contact us if any issues occur.
Click Hamming_Code and have a quick view of our project!
变量名 | 类型 | 缺省 | 备注 |
inf_length | number | 4 | 首页信息码长(1~11) |
inf_code | string | "1111" | 首页信息码 |
show_length | number | 4 | 次页信息码长(3~5) |
show_code | string | "1101" | 次页信息码 |
变量名 | 类型 | 缺省 | 备注 |
text | string | "#45454d" | 文本颜色 |
primary | string | "#ffd5d5" | 按钮颜色 |
square_inf | string | "#ffd5d5" | 次页信息码方块颜色 |
square_s | string | "#fc7fb2" | 次页校验码方块颜色 |
secondary | string | "#fff1e9" | 首页信息码方块颜色 |
highlight | string | "#fc7fb2" | 首页校验码方块颜色\高亮颜色 |
backgroud1 | string | "#f9f6f2" | 次页导航栏背景色1 |
backgroud2 | string | "#fff1e9" | 次页导航栏背景色2 |
变量名 | 类型 | 缺省 | 备注 |
width | number | 50 | 方块宽度 |
height | number | 50 | 方块高度 |
marginLeft | number | 10 | 方块列间距 |
marginTop | number | 10 | 方块行间距 |
col_width | number | 120 | 左侧边栏的宽度 |
变量名 | 类型 | 备注 |
ani1 | object | 海明码检测页动画 |
ani2 | object | 校验位数的计算动画 |
ani3 | object | 校验位移位动画 |
ani4 | object | 校验位计算动画 |
ani5 | object | 最终海明码展示动画 |
ani6 | object | 纠错动画 |
变量名 | 类型 | 缺省 | 备注 |
delay | number | 1000 | 动画延时(单位ms) |
duration | number | 450 | 动画持续时间 |
scale | number | 0.7 | 以方块中心为中心缩放到scale(0~1) |
repeat | number | 1 | 动画重复次数 |
Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js installed.
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
Create React App is a comfortable environment for learning React, and is the best way to start building a new single-page application in React.
It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production. You’ll need to have Node >= 8.10 and npm >= 5.6 on your machine.
See create-react-app for more information. Or visit React环境搭建教程 if you understand Chinese.
After the previous step, you make a new directory "my-app" as your project directory. Overlay all the files and directories other than node_modules by the clone.
Follow the steps to install yarn.
#with npm, but part of the code may not be compiled
npm install @material-ui/core
#with yarn, recomonded
yarn add @material-ui/core
yarn add rc-tween-one
yarn add rc-banner-anim
View more on React-Motion
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.You will also see any lint errors in the console.