
Float Array issue

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I am trying to read some datarefs using GetFoatArray but when looking at the value there is an exception of type System.IndexOutOfRangeException. I tried both float array's that were writeable and only readable but i get the same error. The int array is working fine. The following two datarefs are what i was testing


In particular i need to get the second one as i think this is the raw data for joystick movement.

Thanks for any help.

IXPDataRef<float[]> xplaneSimJoystickAxisValues = m_api.Data.GetFloatArray("sim/joystick/joystick_axis_values")

Then all I do is use the Log function and it gives me that error. If I look at in in real time during debugging the value field shows the exception.

I was only logging to see if i can tell if the joystick raw data is available. I need to detect if the user released the joystick so that i can turn on the co-pilot joystick so they can take control.

Thanks again for helping.

Ok, I think I see what's wrong. I'll have to wait until after work today to take a stab at fixing it. It's not handling correctly the case where the sim says that it has zero data values to provide for an array dataref.

That would be odd as i thought one of these two datarefs would provide me the joystick raw data, so i would think that there should be data? I did however notice in your c++ code that the value of zero was being passed back to create the array.

So I installed the DataRef Editor and found that there should be values in the Float array so the size passed back should not be zero.

So, the size of that array is definitely zero when you call the wrong function to get the size of the array... 😔 In XPDataRefFloatArray in DataRefs.cs, I was calling XPLMGetDatavi to get nValues instead of XPLMGetDatavf. XPDataRefByteArray had the same problem. I also fixed the code not to crash if any particular DataRef ever did claim to return zero values. I need to do some cleanup and testing with it, and get test cases for FloatArray and ByteArray into the test harness, before I check it in. In the meantime, if you want you can fix it locally and build a new XPNet.CLR.dll. Here's what my XPDataRefFloatArray.Value looks like now.

        public unsafe override float[] Value
                int nValues = PluginBridge.ApiFunctions.XPLMGetDatavf(DataRef, null, 0, 0);


                if (nValues > 0)
                    fixed (float* p = &m_buffer[0])
                        PluginBridge.ApiFunctions.XPLMGetDatavf(DataRef, p, 0, nValues);

                return m_buffer;

                if (value.Length > 0)
                    fixed (float* p = &value[0])
                        PluginBridge.ApiFunctions.XPLMSetDatavf(DataRef, p, 0, value.Length);
                    PluginBridge.ApiFunctions.XPLMSetDatavf(DataRef, null, 0, 0);

I haven't tested the updated 'set' yet, but with that updated 'get' it works for me now in X-Plane. I registered the Logger DLL and added the following into my xpnetcfg.json and was able to see the values of joystick_axis_values show up in the log file and change as I moved the joysticks around.

    "FloatArrayData": [

I committed those changes. Give it a try when you can and let me know if it works for you now. Thanks!

Excellent. All is working (well except my code :) but that I can now solve with your update. Thank you.