
The EventGrid Viewer Blazor application can be used to view Azure EventGrid messages in realtime using ASP.Net Core Blazor & SignalR. For those who would like to secure the application, the EventGrid Viewer Blazor application can be easily configured via appsettings to use Azure AD authentication, Azure KeyVault & Managed Identities.

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The EventGrid Viewer Blazor application can be used to view Azure EventGrid messages in realtime using ASP.Net Core Blazor and SignalR.

EventGrid Viewer Blazor application

The EventGrid Viewer Blazor application can be used to view Azure EventGrid messages in realtime using ASP.Net Core Blazor and SignalR. For those who would like to secure the application, the EventGrid Viewer Blazor application can be easily configured via appsettings to use Azure AD authentication, Azure KeyVault & Managed Identities.


overview diagram

Building upon some of the ideas of the azure-event-grid-viewer, the EventGrid Viewer Blazor application was written in Blazor and offers the following features & enhancements:

  1. View all Azure EventGrid messages in json format
  2. View formatted & highlighted json
  3. Copy json messages to the clipboard
  4. Enable Azure AD authentication to secure the application


eventgrid-viewer-blazor Screenshot


To quickly deploy the EventGrid Viewer Blazor application to Azure, hit the button below (for examples on how to deploy with Azure AD authentication, see the examples section):

Deploy to Azure

You will be presented with a screen similar to the image below:

Deploy to Azure

Do the following:

  1. Create or Select a Resource Group
  2. Enter a Site Name
  3. Enter a Hosting Plan Name
  4. Hit the Review + Create button to validate & deploy the EventGrid Viewer Blazor application

Use the Webhook endpoint:


to subscribe to EventGrid events.


In the examples folder, examples have been created to demonstrate how to automate the deployment of the EventGrid Viewer Blazor application with or without authentication. You can read more here.