
Python library to read contents of Safari Reading List. Includes scripts to output as CSV or "bookmarks" file format and to upload to Instapaper.

Primary LanguagePython


This Python module provides a very simple interface to read the contents of your Safari Reading List. Here is a simple usage example:

from readinglistlib import ReadingListReader
rlr = ReadingListReader()
rl = rlr.read()

The output of rlr.read() is a list of articles. Each article is a dictionary with the following keys: title, url, preview, date (creation date of bookmark), added (sync date; may be undefined), viewed (read date; undefined for unread articles), uuid, synckey, and syncserverid.

If you provide a path as an argument to the ReadingListReader constructor, an attempt will be made to load the Reading List from that file. By default, your Reading List is read from ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist.

The read() method has a few optional arguments that can be used to control its output:

  • show can be set to 'unread' or 'read' to return only unread or read items, respectively. Any other value (such as None) will cause all items to be returned. Defaults to 'unread'.
  • sortfield can be set to any of the keys listed above. The default is date.
  • ascending controls sort order of the returned list. The default is True; set to False for descending sort.
  • dateformat controls the formatting of the date, added, and viewed fields. Defaults to None, in which case datetime objects are returned instead of strings. Understands strftime format directives.

Your Reading List is read once by the ReadingListReader constructor. Subsequent calls to the read() method do not reload the Reading List, but can be called with different options to return different subsets of the same list.


These scripts are developed for Mac OS X 10.7 ("Lion"). It relies on libraries introduced with Python 2.7, which is not included with "Snow Leopard" or earlier versions of Mac OS X.

Example Scripts

Two Python scripts based on readinglistlib are provided as examples. readinglistreader.py dumps your Reading List in tabular or "bookmarks" format. readinglist2instapaper.py adds your unread Reading List items to your Instapaper queue. Details below.

An AppleScript bundle called Send Reading List to Instapaper is also available. It provides a somewhat more user-friendly interface to readinglist2instapaper.py:

Send to Instapaper confirmation dialog


Safari Reading List "lets you save web pages to read or browse later." This script reads your Reading List and lists the articles bookmarked therein. It is offered as a proof of concept rather than a finished tool. Safari's bookmarks file format is undocumented so reading it directly is totally unsupported and quite likely to fail in a variety of cases. That said, this script does not edit or modify your Safari bookmarks file in any way. No changes are made to the status of your Reading List.

This script is derived from Safari-Reading-List-Recipe. It's intended to facilitate experimental integration of Reading List with services like Instapaper or Pinboard. For example, you can import the output of readinglistreader.py --bookmarks to add your unread articles to Pinboard.


usage: readinglistreader.py [-h] [--separator SEP] [--quote QUOTE]
							[--forcequotes] [--fields FIELD [FIELD ...]]
							[--header] [--timestamp FORMAT] [--bookmarks]
							[--show FILTER] [--sortfield FIELD]
							[--sortorder ORDER] [--output OUTPUT]
							[--input INPUT]

This script outputs the contents of your Safari Reading List, a queue of
temporary bookmarks representing articles you intend to read. By default, it
prints the title and url of unread articles in chronological order, beginning
with the oldest bookmark. Default output is compliant with CSV conventions.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --separator SEP       Separates field values. Specify 'tab' to use an actual
						tab character. Defaults to ','.
  --quote QUOTE         Specify '' to suppress quoting. Defaults to '"'.
  --forcequotes         Quote all field values. By default, only quote empty
						fields or values containing SEP, QUOTE, or newlines.
  --fields FIELD [FIELD ...]
						Controls format of output record. Acceptable fields
						are title, url, preview, date, added, viewed, uuid,
						synckey, and syncserverid. Defaults to title and url.
						(Date is date article was originally bookmarked. If
						defined, added is date bookmark was synced via iCloud.
						If defined, viewed is date article was read.)
  --header              Output a header record containing field labels.
  --timestamp FORMAT    Controls format of date, added, and viewed fields.
						Understands strftime directives. Defaults to '%a %b %d
						%H:%M:%S %Y' (eg, 'Mon Feb 13 22:50:40 2012').
  --bookmarks           Output items in Netscape bookmarks file format.
						Overrides preceding tabular output options.
  --show FILTER         Control which items to output. Acceptable FILTER
						values are unread, read, or all. Defaults to unread.
  --sortfield FIELD     Controls how output is sorted. Defaults to date.
  --sortorder ORDER     May be ascending or descending. Defaults to ascending.
  --output OUTPUT       Output file path. Defaults to stdout.
  --input INPUT         Input file path. Assumed to be a Safari bookmarks file
						formatted as a binary property list. Defaults to


Make it executable with chown +x readinglistreader.py and put it in your /usr/local/bin if you want. Make sure you have installed readinglistlib somewhere in your sys.path.


With no options, a list of your unread bookmarks is displayed in title,url format:


Use the --fields option to specify the "schema" of your output table:

readinglistreader.py --fields title preview date url

By default, output is sorted by date, starting with the oldest bookmark. To sort alphabetically by article title:

readinglistreader.py --sortfield title

As an alternative to outputting a table, you can save a bookmarks file:

readinglistreader.py --bookmarks --output bookmarks.html

Note that --bookmarks mode ignores tabular output options such as --fields. However, your --show, --sortfield, and --sortorder settings are reflected in the bookmarks output.


This script uses readinglistreader.py and Daniel Schauenberg's InstapaperLibrary to add your unread Reading List articles to your Instapaper account. Specify your Instapaper account with the --username and --password arguments, or create a file named ~/.instapaperrc containing a line with your credentials formatted as username:password. Articles are not removed from your Reading List as they are added to Instapaper. This script is provided as example.

(InstapaperLibrary is not included with this script; install it via any of the methods advised at its GitHub page, or simply put the instapaperlib package folder in the same folder as readinglist2instapaper.py.)


  • Allow deletion and/or mark-as-read of Reading List items. Naïvely overwriting ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist with a modified plist accomplishes this, albeit without propagating changes to synced browsers/devices. Alternatively, use GUI scripting to remove items auto-manually (more compatible, but likely more visually distracting).