
XJC / JAXB plugin for generation of Bean Validation Annotations (JSR-303)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Plugin for generation of Bean Validation Annotations (JSR-303) -XJsr303Annotations


  • 2.3-SNAPSHOT Update from javax.xml and javax.validation to jakarta.

  • 2.1 Revert back to Java 1.8 (sorry folks!).

  • 2.0 A refactorized version of the original krasa-jaxb-toos last synced on August 2022, with some enhancements (support for EachDigits, EachDecimalMin and EachDecimalMax in primitive lists), improved tests and bug fixed. It is compiled using JDK 11. The pom.xml groupId has been changed to com.fillumina.




Gradle (kotlin):

    val jaxXjc: Configuration by configurations.creating

    dependencies {
        // include an xjc implementation, e.g.:
	// jaxXjc("com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:4.0.0")
	// jaxXjc("com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:4.0.0") {
	//     because("jaxb implementation needed for xjc".)
        jaxXjc("com.fillumina:krasa-jaxb-tools:2.3-SNAPSHOT") {
	    because("xjc plugin to apply jakarta.validation annotations.")


  • targetNamespace (string, optional): adds @Valid annotation to all elements with given namespace
  • generateNotNullAnnotations (boolean, optional, default=true): adds a @NotNull annotation if an element has minOccours not 0, is required or is not nillable.
  • notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages (boolean or string, optional, default=false): values are true, FieldName, ClassName, or an actual message
  • JSR_349 (boolean, optiona, defalut=false) generates JSR349 compatible annotations for @DecimalMax and @DecimalMin inclusive parameter
  • verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) print verbose messages to output

@NotNull's default validation message is not always helpful, so it can be customized with -XJsr303Annotations:notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages=OPTION where OPTION is one of the following:

  • false (default: no custom message -- not useful)
  • true (message is present but equivalent to the default: "{javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message}" -- not useful)
  • FieldName (field name is prefixed to the default message: "field {javax....message}")
  • ClassName (class and field name are prefixed to the default message: "Class.field {javax....message}")
  • other-non-empty-text (arbitrary message, with substitutable, case-sensitive parameters {ClassName} and {FieldName}: "Class {ClassName} field {FieldName} non-null")



  • @Valid annotation for all complex types, can be further restricted to generate only for types from defined schema: -XJsr303Annotations:targetNamespace=http://www.foo.com/bar
  • @NotNull annotation for objects that has a MinOccur value >= 1 or for attributes with required use
  • @Size for lists that have minOccurs > 1
  • @Size if there is a maxLength or minLength or length restriction
  • @DecimalMax for maxInclusive restriction
  • @DecimalMin for minInclusive restriction
  • @DecimalMax for maxExclusive restriction, enable new parameter (inclusive=false) with: -XJsr303Annotations:JSR_349=true
  • @DecimalMin for minExclusive restriction, enable new parameter (inclusive=false) with: -XJsr303Annotations:JSR_349=true
  • @Digits if there is a totalDigits or fractionDigits restriction.
  • @Pattern if there is a Pattern restriction

Example project with tests:



                            <!--optional, this is default values-->
                            <!--optional, default is false, possible values are true, FieldName, ClassName, or an actual message -->
                            <!-- generates JSR349 compatible annotations 
                                 (DecimalMax and DecimalMin inclusive parameter) -->
	                <!--optional: adds @Valid annotation to all elements with this namespace -->
	                <!--optional, this is default values-->
	                <!--optional, default is false, possible values are true, FieldName, ClassName, or an actual message -->
	                <!-- generates JSR349 compatible annotations DecimalMax and DecimalMin inclusive parameter -->