
Desktop program to connect to the Enjin API and export data.

Primary LanguageC#

Enjin Export Tool - ALPHA

Desktop program for connecting to the Enjin API and export data for easy migration.

The idea is to export all the galleries, images, catergories, threads and user content from the enjin API based on site ID into the migration folder for uploading and then executing the included php script to import into wordpress for admin to then match with users in wordpress.

This project will only be developed and then maintained for the duration of the required use. Please fork if required once support has discontinued and the Enjin API has changes made to the access & output.


  • .Net 4.5 Framework
  • Enjin API Enabled
  • Enjin Site ID
  • Enjin Admin User Login

Built With

  • C#
  • Visual Studio 2013

Using the Tool

Launch the application using the debug exe located in the bin\Debug\ folder. Enter the required fields to be able to process successfully.


alt tag

alt tag

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Development List

  • Export User Posts API
  • Export Gallery API
  • Generate Migration folder(s)
  • Export to Excel

Used Libraries