
Distributed ARIMA Models

Primary LanguagePython


Distributed ARIMA Models implemented with Apache Spark


DARIMA is designed to facilitate forecasting ultra-long time series by utilizing the industry-standard MapReduce framework. The algorithm is developed on Spark platform and both Python as well as R interfaces.

See darima for developed functions used for implementing DARIMA models.

  • model.py : Train ARIMA models for each subseries and convert the trained models into AR representations (Mapper).
  • dlsa.py : Combine the local estimators obtained in Mapper by minimizing the global loss function (Reducer).
  • forecast.py : Forecast the next H observations by utilizing the combined estimators.
  • evaluation.py : Calculate the forecasting accuracy in terms as MASE, sMAPE and MSIS.
  • R : R functions designed for modeling, combining and forecasting. rpy2 is needed as an interface to use R from Python.

System requirements

  • Spark >= 2.3.1
  • Python >= 3.7.0
    • pyspark >= 2.3.1
    • rpy2 >= 3.0.4
    • scikit-learn >= 0.21.2
    • numpy >= 1.16.3
    • pandas >= 0.23.4
  • R >= 3.5.2
    • forecast >= 8.5
    • polynom = 1.3.9
    • dplyr >= 0.8.4
    • quantmod >= 0.4.13
    • magrittr >= 1.5



Run the PySpark code to forecast the time series of the GEFCom2017 by utilizing DARIMA.


or simply run

  PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3.7 ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1 spark-submit ./run_darima.py

Note: ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1 is added to instruct PyArrow >= 0.15.0 to use the legacy IPC format with the older Arrow Java that is in Spark 2.3.x and 2.4.x.


Run the R code to forecast the time series of the GEFCom2017 by utilizing the auto.arima() function (used for comparison).


or simply run

  Rscript auto_arima.R
