- 5
dap-g : Segmentation fault
#25 opened by hnaeem - 0
Generate eQTL weights using sufficient summary statistics/individual level data
#27 opened by CristiGuijarro - 5
Segmentation fault of torus
#9 opened by wqshi - 2
-p prior_file format
#26 opened by adrtin - 0
example data SYY=515.6
#24 opened by Shicheng-Guo - 0
- 0
- 0
DAP-G always returns 1 as exit code
#21 opened by probalica19 - 0
A question about the GTEx case
#20 opened by Captain-Pam - 0
- 3
Error: unknown option "-d_z"
#18 opened by marielohcs - 5
How to include NA genotypes in sbam file
#17 opened by songtaogui - 0
How to include NA genotypes in sbam file
#16 opened by songtaogui - 4
No cluster output
#15 opened by matthiasheinig - 2
LD r or r^2
#14 opened by matthiasheinig - 2
- 2
How to choose grid file?
#12 opened by Zepeng-Mu - 1
Errors in Makefile
#6 opened by jet456 - 2
`dap1` source
#7 opened by Heroico