Minecraft Resource Pack Util for encrypting and decrypting resource packs.
mcrputil is a command-line tool, and does not have a GUI.
Usage: mcrputil <COMMAND>
encrypt Encrypts the folder with a given or auto-generated key
decrypt Decrypts the folder with a given key
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help information
Usage: mcrputil encrypt [OPTIONS] <INPUT> <OUTPUT>
<INPUT> Input file or folder
<OUTPUT> Output folder
-k, --key <KEY> Key used for encryption
-e, --exclude <EXCLUDE> Specifies files which should not be encrypted
-h, --help Print help information
- Make sure your pack is unzipped, and in your pack folder should be a manifest.json
- mcrputil encrypt <path to your unzipped pack/output folder>
- A .key file and a contents.json should now be in your pack/output folder
- Create a zip file with the contents of your pack/output folder, and rename your .key file to the same name as the created zip file (MyPack.zip.key)
Usage: mcrputil decrypt [OPTIONS] <INPUT> <OUTPUT>
<INPUT> Input file or folder
<OUTPUT> Output folder
-k, --key <KEY> Key used for decryption
-h, --help Print help information
Please make sure, to not publish any of the resulting files, or only with the consent of the copyright holder, as it is a violation, and note that there will be no support for decrypting resource packs.