This repository stores the source files and scripts necessary to build a containerized bastion into geowave and geomesa clusters. Its primary purpose is to carry out and analyze the performance of queries over each of these frameworks.
To build, simply run make build
. Scala source will be compiled and a
docker image will be generated which serves this (akka-http backed)
project on port 7070.
Testing of the scala source is best done through sbt (for fast
iteration) with either sbt test
(if unit tests are desired) or
sbt ~reStart
(if running the server and interacting with it manually
is necessary). make test
will run sbt test
and verify that the
docker container is properly constructed and serving data.
The code can be run locally as follows. First execute this command to start a container:
docker run -it --net=xxx --rm -p 7070:7070 \
-e GM_USER=root -e GM_PASS=GisPwd -e GM_INSTANCE=geomesa -e GM_ZK=zookeeper \
-e GW_USER=root -e GW_PASS=GisPwd -e GW_INSTANCE=geowave -e GW_ZK=zookeeper \
-v $(pwd):/code:rw \
-v $HOME/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2:rw \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2:rw \
-v $HOME/.sbt:/root/.sbt:rw openjdk:8-jdk
Then within the container, navidate to the /code
directory and run ./sbt '~reStart'