Reward Calculator

The Reward Calculator provides REST endpoints for managing customer reward information based on their purchases.


Get Rewards for a Specific Customer


GET /api/v1/rewards/{name}?month={month}
  • name (path parameter): The account name of the customer.
  • month (query parameter, optional): The specific month for which rewards are calculated. If not provided, rewards for the entire history are calculated.


Returns the reward information for the specified customer and, for each month.

  "name": "customer1",
  "total": 170,
  "rewards": {
    "1": 170

Get Rewards for All Customers


GET /api/v1/rewards

Response Returns a list of reward information for all customers.

    "name": "customer1",
    "total": 170,
    "rewards": {
      "1": 110,
      "5": 60
    "name": "customer2",
    "total": 30,
    "rewards": {
      "1": 20,
      "2": 10


To use the RewardController, you need to make HTTP requests to the specified endpoints using your preferred client (e.g., a web browser, curl, Postman, etc.). The responses will provide you with reward information based on customer purchases.