
`dsa' means Data Structure and Algorithm. Original name is too long. →_→

Primary LanguageC++

Homework of Data Structure and Algorithm

But DSA does not refer to Digital Signature Algorithm. LOL.

We have 4 homework in total, which are Linked List, Huffman Tree, Kruskal Algorithm and Quick Sort/Binary Search.

Okay, I am also very interesting why Quick Sort and Binary Search is the last project.

Busy nowadays, temporary implemented linked list, with C++.

Singly Linked List

According to homework requirement, implemented an extremely strange merge function. I have no more interest in it.

Uploaded with my benchmark test source codes. I just found that benchmark should be easier if I use STL <forward_list>.

Huffman Tree and Huffman Encode

No benchmark test...

use a frequency array to construct Huffman tree.

Homework 2

See homework-2/README.md

Midterm Examination

See midterm/README.md

Kruskal's Algorithm

`Accepted' Oriented Program. Homework tells us input data's ranges, so I just simply implemented Kruskal with limited array.

And disjoint set at the same time.

Should I implement Prim's algorithm at the same time?

It depends.

Quicksort and Binary Search

Too young too simple, sometimes naive.

I have nothing to tell.