Make life easier when you're validating data in your Rails Models with this handy Sublime Snippet.

Need to validate more than one piece of data in an attribute and you're not worried about a custom error message?

This is the snippet for you.

Sublime Text 2 has snippets for most of the different attribute validations you need, but none
for the complete 'validates' hash, at least that I could find. So, I put one together to save some typing.

A lot of model data validations look something like this:

    validates_presence_of :email
    validates_length_of :email, :maximum => 100
    validates_format_of :email, :with => EMAIL_REGEX
    validates_confirmation_of :email

As long as a custom error message isn't needed this can be vastly simplified by using 'sexy' validations, 
which rolls the whole thing into one ball of wax.

Typing 'vsexy' and hitting the tab key gives you this:

    validates :attribute,
                    :presence => boolean,
                    :numericality => boolean,
                    :length => {:within => 0..10},
                    :format => regex,
                    :inclusion => {:in => [array_or_range]},
                    :exclusion => {:in => [array_or_range]},
                    :acceptance => boolean,
                    :uniqueness => boolean,
                    :confirmation => boolean

':attribute' will be highlighted so you can start typing right away. Hitting the tab key moves
the highlight to each value that needs to be entered, and lines can be deleted or commented out
as necessary.

Save some keystrokes!


	Download the snippet and save it in 
	"~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Rails" 
	on a Mac or wherever the hell things go on Windows boxes.