
My desktop configuration files

侘 | 寂


Initial setup

  1. Install sway
    sudo apt install sway waybar -y
  2. Install dependencies
    sudo apt install kitty rofi thunar xterm light grimshot -y 
  3. Install optional dependencies
    sudo apt install cava neofetch lxappearance -y

Install hotfiles

  1. Copy all folders to your $HOME directory
    cp -r {.bin,.config,.icons,.theme} ~/
  2. Install fonts
    git clone https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
    cd nerd-fonts
  3. Install wallpapers
    git clone https://github.com/catppuccin/wallpapers
    mv wallpapers ~/Pictures/
  4. If you logged in another DE/WM, logout first
  5. Login to SwayWM from display manager or from tty by typing :

Owner's section

Todo :

  • Control center
    • Power menu
    • Bluetooth manager
    • Network manager
    • Power management
    • Media control
  • Calendar
  • Notification
    • Auto switch between spotify and notification
  • Theme switcher

Notes :

  • I can't use notification daemon, tell me if you can use something like dunst or mako
  • You can't forget wifi profile from Network Manager, so you have to manually forget it using nmcli/nmtui or you can use nm-tray as well