Both digitalReadAll and digitalRead return same value for all INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP pins
cjkarande opened this issue · 6 comments
I am using a PCF8574 module along with ESP8266 to read touch TP223 base Touch sensors with PCF8574's Interrupt mode
The interrupt seems to work fine i.e. it fires whenever I touch the sensor connected to any of the P0 to P7 pins. However, the digitalRead returns 0 for all pins when configured as INPUT and it returns 1 if they are configured as INPUT_PULLUP. Same is the case with digitalReadAll. I am not able to detect a state change of the touch sensors. I have also tried reading all inputs in the loop function, with both Read and ReadAll but still no difference.
Setup details:
PCF8574 library version: 2.3.5
MCU: ESP8266-12F
SDA pin: D4
SCL pin: D2
//Initialization code.
for (uint8_t pin = 0; pin < 8; pin++)
pcf8574.pinMode(pin, INPUT);
//Code to read inputs
//I tried this code
PCF8574::DigitalInput di = pcf8574.digitalReadAll();
// and also this code
for (byte pin = P0; pin <= P7; pin++)
Serial.print(pcf8574.digitalRead(pin, true));
Am I doing something wrong...
Hi @cjkarande,
do another test, try
// and also this code for (byte pin = P0; pin <= P7; pin++) Serial.print(pcf8574.digitalRead(pin));
Bye Renzo
@xreef of course, I had tried with the default digitalRead as well, but it had the same results...
Interestingly, as mentioned, the interrupt seems to work fine. Issue is with digitalRead (both true & false debounce) and digitalReadAll returning the same value before and after touch.
Am a bit lost on this issue, hope you can show me some way....
Hello @xreef, any lead on this ...what do you think may be going wrong? Would it be a hardware issue...
Hello @xreef, appreciate any inputs from your side...This is a show stopper issue for me.
Anybody else in the community who can help on this issue....
I try several test but all works.
I can't replicate your problem, I think the problem was hardware.
Bye Renzo