PCF8574 library. i2c digital expander for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266. Can read write digital values with only 2 wire. Very simple to use and encoder support.
- 0
Bug in mode of buffered readout when timer of ESP32 overflows and counts from 0
#70 opened by kacperl-dev - 4
PCF8574 output low active, init active
#15 opened by barneyz - 1
Unable to call in ESP32
#69 opened by Murugesh-Hobbyist - 1
Changing Output to Input mid program
#68 opened by alphaomega16 - 1
Couldn't initialize
#67 opened by dragosmacovei - 6
OK / KO on initialization (code examples)
#30 opened by AlbertEmil - 3
- 1
problem with interrupt
#64 opened by rozrabiak - 3
#65 opened by edg2411 - 1
Raspberry Pi Pico W with multiple PCF8574
#63 opened by aStanhun - 2
aduino web editor
#62 opened by teberik - 6
Both digitalReadAll and digitalRead return same value for all INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP pins
#61 opened by cjkarande - 2
Won't compile with ESP8266 DevKit 1
#60 opened by jsmwrench - 5
PCF8574 with HC-SR04 UltraSonic Sensor
#50 opened by ese105 - 8
Do library examples work with ESP32 2.02 ??
#58 opened by MnemonicFish - 3
class PCF8574' has no member named 'pinMode'
#59 opened by OslafEman - 4
Got digitalReadAll to work, but digitalRead is not?
#57 opened by we9v - 2
- 2
Error when compiling.
#55 opened by limaomerces - 1
digitalWrite(PIN, LOW) changes all pins to LOW
#54 opened by rozrabiak - 2
if (pcf8574.begin()) is always ko !!!
#53 opened by Deltaplc - 1
Wont compile at all esp32
#52 opened by tablatronix - 8
How to Prevent Bouncing / Debounce mode
#47 opened by joko2020 - 3
Low memory Read All not working
#51 opened by iuliux - 5
No constructor for "only declaring" available
#49 opened by alve89 - 9
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latency and delay
#46 opened by tsctrl - 2
Interrupt Mode
#45 opened by joko2020 - 3
Example interruptWemos crash
#44 opened by Tommamgo - 2
use tm1637 with pcf8574 port expander
#43 opened by alirezaimi - 3
Drive a mosfet or BJT from PCF8574
#42 opened by tsctrl - 6
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- 4
- 1
Incorrect address?
#37 opened - 6
pcf8574 and dht22
#23 opened by alirezaimi - 1
PCF8574 as software serial
#35 opened by tsctrl - 12
Reading from multiple encoders
#32 opened by poky - 2
PCF8575 integration
#33 opened by poky - 2
manage multi pcf574
#29 opened by carlosprato1 - 5
Can we use multiple digital pins of Arduino?
#27 opened by amandugar - 8
More than one expander
#25 opened by hmronline - 1
How can i read output status ?
#22 opened by alirezaimi - 1
Buzzing motor usign L298n
#21 opened by Powablocks - 4
DigitalRead on the OUTPUT pins are not working.
#20 opened by zekageri - 3
The digitalRead() does not work
#16 opened by kotakomputer - 1
Missing same documentation
#19 opened by harryklein - 1
Question: LED RGB
#18 opened by itpao25 - 6
Teensy 3.2 not compiling
#13 opened by dimitre - 4