
Script to Migrate WordPress Posts to Contentful

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A script to migrate posts from WordPress to Contentful.

This is a script that will export all posts from WordPress using the Rest API and import them into Contentful using the Content Management API.

I've used this script for my own personal site and decided to share it and document my process used to develop it so people can learn from it. The basis of the script is intended to be expanded on for your own specifc purpose, but you can use the script as-is by modifying a few things.

Full write-up can be found here: https://ashcroft.dev/blog/script-migrate-wordpress-posts-contentful/

How to use the script

This script will run in the terminal via Node. You need to have npm installed.

Steps to run:

Clone The Repo

git clone git@github.com:jonashcroft/wp-to-contentful.git

Inside your new folder, install the packages required to run:

npm install contentful-management // Contentful Management API
npm install axios // used to GET WordPress API data
npm install fs // (optional) used to output a .json file of your WordPress posts.
npm install turndown // used to convert WordPress post HTML into Markdown.

Add your details

Open up migration.js, you'll need to make some modifcations:

Replace the wpEndpoint variable with your own websites WP-JSON endpoint.

In your Contentful admin panel, generate Content Management API keys, and insert your credentials in the ctfData object, as below:

// Contentful API requirements
const ctfData = {
  accessToken: '[ACCESS_TOKEN]',
  environment: '[ENVIRONMENT_ID]',
  spaceId: '[SPACE_ID]'

Locate the fieldData object in the mapData() function, and replace the keys with your Contentful Content Model IDs and values with your WordPress fields. (detailed in the blog post)

 let fieldData = {
    id: postData.id,
    type: postData.type,
    postTitle: postData.title.rendered,
    slug: postData.slug,
    content: postData.content.rendered,
    publishDate: postData.date_gmt + '+00:00',
    featuredImage: postData.featured_media,
    tags: getPostLabels(postData.tags, 'tags'),
    categories: getPostLabels(postData.categories, 'categories'),
    contentImages: getPostBodyImages(postData)

Run the script

node migration.js

IMPORTANT: There is no sandbox or test environment with this script. If you run this script, it will immediately attempt to publish your new posts and assets - I am not responsible for anything that goes wrong.