
Learning some Renderscript in Android with a demo app.

Primary LanguageShell


What is this?

Just a project for myself (but others may be interested as well) to learn some Renderscript for Android. This is intended to be a demo app in order to see what can be done with RS.

What does it do?

For now, the demo app shows different options in the overflow menu that and allows you to:

  • Apply a grayscale filter to the current image. This is done with a RS script (see rs/grayscale.rs), using it from the Java code (see GrayscaleEffect.java).
  • Blur the current image. This effect is an already built-in RS Intrinsic, so we don't need to create a script for this, we can do everything from Java (see BlurEffect.java).
  • Display the next image.
  • Reset the current image to its original state.




Xavi Rigau · @xrigau · +Xavi Rigau