
imeji is a scientific multimedia data repository with dedicated metadata management. A detailed description as well as an installation guide and contact informations can be found here:

Primary LanguageJava

imeji - Publish Your Scientific Multimedia Data

The imeji software

imeji creates citable research assets by describing, enriching, sharing, exposing, linking and archiving data.

The imeji software is an open-source, community driven development.

The software offers a dedicated metadata management by supporting a non- restrictive metadata schema definition, as simple as liked or as complex as needed.

All objects within the imeji software have a unique identifier and therefore can be referenced in publications or reused in other contexts (dissemination). Large collections can be organized in different albums to focus special items of interest.

For a full description of the imeji software and detailed information of the functionalities please visit the imeji software page.

imeji is developed by the imeji community under the CDDL-License.

The imeji demo version

Try the demo version

The imeji community

The imeji community is an open source software developer community around the imeji software.

Originated in March 2012 from the Max Planck Digital Library, the Institute of Art and Visual History of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Konrad Zuse Internet Archive of Freie Universität Berlin, the community constantly grows.

The aim is to ensure the sustainability of the imeji software and to enable further stable software development.

We are open to everyone who wants to get involved and contribute to the imeji development. Please contact the community list for further information.

Contact & Support

Follow @imeji_org on twitter

For general information and contact

For (not only technical) support


Watch Us / Get the source code on GitHub

You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.
You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone https://github.com/imeji-community/imeji.git