
python-nexus - Generic nexus (.nex, .trees) reader/writer for python

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A Generic nexus (.nex, .trees) reader/writer for python.

Build Status Coverage Status DOI

Copyright (c) 2009-2018, Simon J. Greenhill simon@simon.net.nz


python-nexus provides simple nexus file-format reading/writing tools, and a small collection of nexus manipulation scripts.


  • v1.62:
    • cached DataHandler's characters property to speed up.
    • cached DataHandler's symbol property to speed up.
    • cached DataHandler's site parser to speed up.
  • v1.61:
    • fixed an install issue caused by refactoring.
  • v1.6:
    • remove some over-engineered checking on the NexusReader.DataMatrix.characters property
    • major refactoring of reader.py into a handlers subpackage
    • NexusReader.read_string now returns self, such that it can be used as a factory-style method.
    • added rudimentary support for taxon annotations in taxa blocks.
  • v1.53:
    • the character block format string symbols generated by NexusReader.write() no longer includes missing or gap symbols.
    • fix parsing glitch in NexusReader.DataHandler.parse_format_line.
  • v1.51:
    • characters and data block now retain their character labels in NexusReader
  • v1.5:
    • work around a minor bug in BEAST2 (CompEvol/beast2#713)
    • characters block is now added as characters and not invisibly renamed to data.
  • v1.42: minor fix to remove a stray debugging print statement
  • v1.41: minor fix to remove a stray debugging print statement
  • v1.40: major speed enhancement in NexusReader -- a 2 order of magnitude decrease in reading most nexus data blocks.
  • v1.35: fixed nexus_nexusmanip.py utility to handle multiple arguments, and to delete arbitrary sites.
  • v1.34: fixed parsing of malformed taxa blocks.
  • v1.33: fixed bug in taxa labels parser when taxa are listed on one line.


Reading a Nexus:

from nexus import NexusReader
n = NexusReader()

or, more simply:

n = NexusReader('examples/example.nex')

You can also load from a string:

n = NexusReader()
n.read_string('#NEXUS\n\nbegin foo; ... end;')

NexusReader will load each of the nexus blocks it identifies using specific handlers.

{   'data': <NexusDataBlock: 2 characters from 4 taxa>, 
    'trees': <NexusTreeBlock: 2 trees>

A dictionary mapping blocks to handlers is available at .handlers:

    'data': DataHandler,
    'characters': DataHandler,
    'trees': TreeHandler,
    'taxa': TaxaHandler,

Any blocks that aren't in this dictionary will be parsed using GenericHandler.

NexusReader can then write the nexus to a string using .write() or to another file using .write_to_file(filename):

output = n.write()
# or 

NOTE: if you want more fine-grained control over generating nexus files, then try NexusWriter discussed below.

Block Handlers:

There are specific "Handlers" to parse certain known nexus blocks, including the common 'data', 'trees', and 'taxa' blocks. Any blocks that are unknown will be parsed with GenericHandler.

ALL handlers extend the GenericHandler class and have the following methods.

  • parse(self, data) parse is called by NexusReader to parse the contents of the block (in data) appropriately.

  • write(self) write is called by NexusReader to write the contents of a block to a string (i.e. for regenerating the nexus format for saving a file to disk)

All blocks have access to the following:

  • The raw block content (as a list of lines) in n.blockname.block
  • A helper function to remove all the comments in a nexus file. n.block.remove_comments

To find out what file the nexus was loaded from:


generic block handler

The generic block handler simply stores each line of the block in .block:

['line1', 'line2', ... ]

data block handler

These are the main blocks encountered in nexus files - and contain the data matrix.

So, given the following nexus file with a data block:


Begin data;
Dimensions ntax=4 nchar=2;
Format datatype=standard symbols="01" gap=-;
Harry              00
Simon              01
Betty              10
Louise             11

begin trees;
    tree A = ((Harry:0.1,Simon:0.2):0.1,Betty:0.2):Louise:0.1);
    tree B = ((Simon:0.1,Harry:0.2):0.1,Betty:0.2):Louise:0.1);

You can do the following:

Find out how many characters:


Ask about how many taxa:


Get the taxa names:

['Harry', 'Simon', 'Betty', 'Louise']

Get the format info:

{'datatype': 'standard', 'symbols': '01', 'gap': '-'}

The actual data matrix is a dictionary, which you can get to in .matrix:

    'Simon': ['0', '1'],
    'Louise': ['1', '1'],
    'Betty': ['1', '0'],
    'Harry': ['0', '0']

Or, you could access the data matrix via taxon:

['0', '1']

Or even loop over it like this:

for taxon, characters in n.data:
    print taxon, characters

You can also iterate over the sites (rather than the taxa):

for site, data in n.data.characters.items():
    print(site, data)

0 {'Simon': '0', 'Louise': '1', 'Betty': '1', 'Harry': '0'}
1 {'Simon': '1', 'Louise': '1', 'Betty': '0', 'Harry': '0'}

..or you can access the characters matrix directly:

{'Simon': '0', 'Louise': '1', 'Betty': '1', 'Harry': '0'}

NOTE: that sites are zero-indexed!

trees block handler

If there's a trees block, then you can do the following

You can get the number of trees:


You can access the trees via the .trees dictionary:

'tree A = ((Harry:0.1,Simon:0.2):0.1,Betty:0.2):Louise:0.1);'

Or loop over them:

for tree in n.trees:

taxa block handler

These are the alternate nexus file format found in programs like SplitsTree:

[1] 'John'
[2] 'Paul'
[3] 'George'
[4] 'Ringo'
END; [Taxa]

In a taxa block you can get the number of taxa and the taxa list:

['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']

NOTE: with this alternate nexus format the Characters blocks should be parsed by DataHandler.

Writing a Nexus File using NexusWriter

NexusWriter provides more fine-grained control over writing nexus files, and is useful if you're programmatically generating a nexus file rather than loading a pre-existing one.

from nexus import NexusWriter
n = NexusWriter()
#Add a comment to appear in the header of the file
n.add_comment("I am a comment")

Data are added by using the "add" function - which takes 3 arguments, a taxon, a character name, and a value.

n.add('taxon1', 'Character1', 'A')
{'Character1': {'taxon1': 'A'}}

n.add('taxon2', 'Character1', 'C')
n.add('taxon3', 'Character1', 'A')

Characters and values can be strings or integers

n.add('taxon1', 2, 1)
n.add('taxon2', 2, 2)
n.add('taxon3', 2, 3)

NexusWriter will interpolate missing entries (i.e. taxon2 in this case)

n.add('taxon1', "Char3", '4')
n.add('taxon3', "Char3", '4')

... when you're ready, you can generate the nexus using make_nexus or write_to_file:

data = n.make_nexus(interleave=True, charblock=True)
n.write_to_file(filename="output.nex", interleave=True, charblock=True)

... you can make an interleaved nexus by setting interleave to True, and you can include a character block in the nexus (if you have character labels for example) by setting charblock to True.

Nexus manipulation scripts included


Combines a series of nexuses into one nexus ('combined.nex').

Usage: python nexus_combine_nexus.py filename1.nex filename2.nex ... filenameN.nex


Converts an interleaved nexus to a simple nexus.

Usage: python nexus_deinterleave.py oldnexus.nex newnexus.nex


Converts a nexus tree file with 'translated' taxa labels to a detranslated form.

Usage: python nexus_detranslate.py oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees


Randomly shuffles the character states between taxa in a nexus file.

Usage: python nexus_randomise.py oldnexus.nex randomised.nex


Provides a number of functions for manipulating trees.

Usage: python nexus_treemanip.py [option] oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees

Deleting trees: nexus_treemanip.py -d 1 oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees - delete tree #1 nexus_treemanip.py -d 1-5 oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees - delete trees #1-5 nexus_treemanip.py -d 1,5 oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees - delete trees #1 and #5 nexus_treemanip.py -d 1,4,20-30 oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees - delete trees #1, #4, #20-30

Resampling trees: nexus_treemanip.py -r 10 oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees - resample every 10th tree

Remove comments: nexus_treemanip.py -c oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees

Sampling N Random trees: nexus_treemanip.py -n 100 oldnexus.trees newnexus.trees - randomly sample 100 trees.


Provides a number of functions for manipulating nexus character files.

Usage: python nexus_nexusmanip.py [option] oldnexus.nex [newnexus.nex]

Count missing characters: Usage: python nexus_nexusmanip.py -m oldnexus.nex

Remove constant characters: Usage: python nexus_nexusmanip.py -c oldnexus.nex newnexus.nex

Remove the unique characters: Usage: python nexus_nexusmanip.py -u oldnexus.nex newnexus.nex


Displays quick information about the nexus file loaded.