
Primary LanguageScala


Fun with Scala 3 Macros, Dynamic and Yaml

Scala is, undoubtedly, a poster child of strong typing.

Yet, honoring its scalability ethos, it is also capable of dynamicity in the laissez-faire style of its most liberal scripting cousins.

To illustrate this, we introduce SDynamic, a small programming divertimento leveraging Scala's dynamic abilities to:

  • Write object literals as Yaml strings, and then,
  • Treat dynamic results as if regular Scala objects
// Look ma: no intervening case classes!
val countries = sdyaml {"""
  - { name: USA,    population: 331.5, languages: [ English ] }
  - { name: Mexico, population: 130.5, languages: [ English ] }
  - { name: Canada, population: 38.0,  languages: [ English, French ] }

// Look ma: dynamic property references!
assert(3 == countries.length)
assert("USA" == countries(0).name)
assert(130.5 == countries(1).population.toDouble)
assert(Seq("English", "French") == countries(2).languages.toList)


  • A minimalistic subset of Yaml is used to express object graphs
  • Dynamic property references are used, courtesy of Scala's Dynamic trait
  • The sdyaml macro validates Yaml and populates a dynamic object graph at compile time

👉 IntelliJ Idea users get the added bonus of Yaml syntax highlighting via language injection:

YAML Injection

In a small way, SDynamic relates to a prehistoric request shamelessly formulated in 2008: SI-993: Add support for YAML (like XML).

Since then, in-language XML literals have long been obliterated. No hope for Yaml, whatsoever 😒

Today, we stubbornly continue to carry this flag to celebrate, tongue-in-cheek, this interesting dynamic corner of the language.

Why on Earth?

Yeah, why? And what about type-safety? 🤨

Like many such small utilities, SDynamic was born of a personal itch to scratch: I needed to write numerous unit tests requiring lots of structured (but otherwise volatile) data.

Creating case classes, nesting other case classes and then writing looong object literal expressions for them quickly grew tedious and cumbersome:

case class Country(name: String, currency: String, population: Double,
                   motto: String, languages: Seq[String])

// Wrappers, parens, quotes, commas. Oh my!
val countries = Seq(
    name = "USA", currency = "UDS", population = 331.5,
    motto = "In God We Trust", languages = Seq("English")),
    name = "Canada", currency = "CAD", population = 38.0,
    motto = "A Mari Usque ad Mare", languages = Seq("English", "French")),
    name = "Mexico", currency = "MXN", population = 130.5,
    motto = "Patria, Libertad, Trabajo y Cultura", languages = Seq("Spanish"))

☝️ The astute reader will notice the above could be written sàns named parameters. For nested structures with more than just a few fields, however, positional parameters quickly obscure value-to-field attribution.

When dealing with one-off object literals we want:

  • Minimal verbosity
  • Maximal readability

As for type-safety in this context:

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads

no roads -- Dr. Emmet Brown

Why Yaml?

Yeah! Why not JSON? Or XML?

Well, Yaml arguably has the tersest and most readable object literal syntax in town (vilification of some of its non-syntactic features notwithstanding 😛).

Let's see:

Language Example
- { name: USA,    population: 331.5, languages: [ English ] }
- { name: Mexico, population: 130.5, languages: [ English ] }
- { name: Canada, population: 38.0,  languages: [ English, French ] }
[{"name": "USA",    "currency": "USD", "population": 331.5, "languages": [ "English" ] },
 {"name": "Canada", "currency": "CAD", "population": 38.0,  "languages": [ "English", "French" ] },
 {"name": "Mexico", "currency": "MXN", "population": 1305,  "languages": [ "Spanish" ] }]

Yaml minimizes punctuation while enhancing readability:

  • No need to enclose property values or (the horror!) property names in quotation marks
  • No need to separate list elements with commas or enclosing lists in brackets when using multi-line mode
  • No need to verbosely mark the beginning and end of each property


The example below builds the following HTML content:


import plenix.sdynamic.sdyaml

object Example:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
    val countries = sdyaml {
        |- name: USA
        |  currency: USD
        |  population: 331.5
        |  motto: In God We Trust
        |  languages: [ English ]
        |  flag: usa.webp
        |- name: Canada
        |  currency: CAD
        |  population: 38.0
        |  motto: A Mari Usque ad Mare<br> (<i>From sea to sea, D'un océan à l'autre</i>)
        |  languages: [ English, French ]
        |  flag: canada.webp
        |- name: Mexico
        |  currency: MXN
        |  population: 1305
        |  motto: Patria, Libertad, Trabajo y Cultura<br> (<i>Homeland, Freedom, Work and Culture</i>)
        |  languages: [ Spanish ] 
        |  flag: mexico.webp
    def country2Html(country: SDynamic) =
         |  <td><img src="${country.flag}"></td>
         |  <td>${country.name}</td>
         |  <td>${country.motto}</td>
         |  <td>
         |    <ul>
         |      ${country.languages.toList.map(language => s"<li>$language</li>").mkString}
         |    </ul>
         |  </td>
    val pageHtml =
         |  <head>
         |    <meta charset="UTF-8">
         |    <title>NAFTA Countries</title>
         |    <style>
         |      table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-style: solid; }
         |      th { border: 2px solid;}
         |      td { border: 2px solid; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; }
         |      ul { text-align: left; }
         |  </style>
         |  </head>
         |    <body>
         |      <table>
         |      <tr>
         |        <th>Flag</th>
         |        <th>Name</th>
         |        <th>Motto</th>
         |        <th>Languages</th>
         |      </tr>
         |      <tr>${countries.map(country2Html).mkString}</tr>
         |    </table>
         |  </body>
    val out = new java.io.FileWriter("countries.html")