- 0
- 3
A bug with "evety six month" (*/6)
#69 opened by Deliaz - 2
When I add the dropdownsConfig property to the Cron component, it starts to re-render and goes into an infinite loop
#67 opened by nesathanozturk - 2
- 3
- 4
Antd Select component onMouseDown events should not propagate (or should be configurable)
#51 opened by matt-koevort - 6
- 2
German Locale addition
#65 opened by janBock - 1
Support for special characters
#63 opened by erwan-joly - 11
Make the component work with any UI library
#10 opened by robincsamuel - 1
Quartz Cron Expression Support
#46 opened by atulthree - 5
[antd: Select] `showArrow` is deprecated
#60 opened by vugardadalov - 1
It's possible to add timezone?
#59 opened by Sakthivelgovindan - 18
Single mode for particular dropdown
#36 opened by abhijeet3112 - 2
Cron appears to use deprecated antd property
#55 opened by Pete-Fowler - 2
Cron has broken style in antd 5
#54 opened by kloon15 - 3
Where is convertor export?
#47 opened by reikrom - 2
Remove Antd dependency?
#43 opened by fab-mindflow - 0
- 7
- 3
- 0
Support antd v5
#40 opened by xrutayisire - 3
Warning while using the drop down component
#35 opened by jfroffice - 2
Unconventional cron not throwing error but changes cron value to closest accepted value
#31 opened by jianminggit - 1
Custom style feature
#32 opened by alanskovrlj - 2
Invalid expression expand
#30 opened by engFelipeMonteiro - 9
- 8
Single option select feature in the drowdown
#22 opened by alok01rai - 8
Not working with Next.js
#19 opened by lacymorrow - 1
Reave Native Support
#27 opened by sreuter - 3
What is useCronReducer? How use it?
#26 opened by TierC24 - 5
Minimal interval
#25 opened by dana93os - 1
Feature to add seconds
#23 opened by carlosporta - 6
Vite + react-i18next issue
#17 opened by codrin-iftimie - 3
Do not allow cron to be set for every hour
#15 opened by vdineva - 7
- 3
Select a day that doesn't exist for a month creates and invalid cron exp
#11 opened by diogohertzberg-tc - 3
Select field values going blank.
#9 opened by robincsamuel - 1
Display problem for Selects with antd 4.10.0
#6 opened by xrutayisire - 7
Uncaught ReferenceError: moment is not defined
#5 opened by tgb20 - 1
Why not support seconds
#4 opened by yingpengsha - 3
Locale for UNITS alt
#3 opened by Dalion - 7
[Antd] Select can not work with mode='tags'
#2 opened by nvlong198 - 2