
Error when running the example:KeyError: 'num_nodes'

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Hi, I cloned the repo and tried to run the example, but I got an error. Where is the problem:

python DeepLinc.py -e ./dataset/seqFISH/counts.csv -a ./dataset/seqFISH/adj.csv -c ./dataset/seqFISH/coord.csv -r ./dataset/seqFISH/cell_type_1.csv

DeepLinc: De novo reconstruction of cell interaction landscapes from single-cell spatial transcriptome data

======== Parameters ========
Cell number: 1597
Gene number: 125
Predefined local connection number: 2863.0
iteration: 2

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "DeepLinc.py", line 136, in
deeplinc = Deeplinc(var_placeholders, feas['num_features'], feas['num_nodes'], feas['features_nonzero'], args.encode_dim[0], args.encode_dim[1])
KeyError: 'num_nodes'