
POJO generation for killbill-api

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


POJO generation tool for killbill-api and killbill-plugin-api interfaces. This tool useful for:

  1. Generate default getter/setter implementation for POJO interfaces
  2. Generate default business methods for business interfaces
  3. Generate builder classes to build the default implementation
  4. Generate Jackson's Module and Revolver classes


Use this command to build the tool mvn package shade:shade. This will produce an uberjar at target/pojogen.jar. If you have a file structure like the one showing in the Usage section, then you can use the following one-line command:

mvn package shade:shade && cp target/pojogen.jar ../


This section assumes that:

  • You've been working with Maven and Kill Bill project for quite some time (Read more on dependency problem)
  • Have the following working directory:
    ├── pojogen.jar                       # The uberjar
    ├── api-pojos                         # api-pojos project root directory (source of pojogen.jar tool)
    ├── killbill-api                      # killbill-api project root directory
    ├── killbill-plugin-api               # killbill-plugin-api project root directory
    ├── killbill-plugin-framework-java    # killbill-plugin-framework-java project root directory

To run the tool:

java -jar pojogen.jar.

This will run the tool with the default configuration options.

Generate POJOs for killbill-api

To generate POJOs for the killbill-api repo, you can run java -jar pojogen.jar

Note that this will run the command with the default configuration defined in killbill-api-config.xml

Generate POJOs for killbill-plugin-api

To generate POJOs for the killbill-plugin-api repo, you can run java -jar pojogen.jar --source-project=plugin-api. Note that this will run the command with the default configuration defined in killbill-plugin-api-config.xml.

The --source-project option is needed here because its default value is api. --source-project is also only useful if you do not specify <sourceDirectories /> in XML configuration or --source-dirs via the command line.

Override XML configuration file

To override configuration file, you can run, java -jar pojogen.jar overridden-api-config.xml. You can copy killbill-api-config.xml or killbill-plugin-api-config.xml, put them in the same directory as pojogen.jar, and edit configuration values as needed.

Override configuration using --<option>

pojogen.jar allows overriding the default configuration options. For example:

  1. java -jar pojogen.jar --output-subpackage=impl. This will:

    • It will override <outputSubpackage /> from boilerplate to impl.
    • Generate killbill-api POJOs to killbill-plugin-framework-java.
    • XML configuration file is not specified, so the command above will using the default killbill-api-config.xml configuration.
java -jar pojogen.jar --source-dirs=./killbill-plugin-api/catalog/src/main/java,./killbill-plugin-api/control/src/main/java overriden-config.xml

This will:

  • Generate POJOs for only the catalog and control modules from killbill-plugin-api.
  • Will use overriden-config.xml as the XML configuration instead of the default configuration

XML Configuration

To understand more about the elements in the XML configuration, you can check setting doc.

Command line options

Not all configuration that available in XML configuration can be overridden by command line options. You can always check all available options via java -jar pojogen.jar --help command.

Dependency problem

It is possible that during generation, you will encounter maven error. This is because one or more local maven artifacts are corrupt. You can always identify all of them, and then try to re-download them. But if you find it confusing and too much work, you can run mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=../lib -Dhttps.protocols="TLSv1.2" -f ./killbill-api/pom.xml and use --input-dependencies=lib to fix the problem.


Kill Bill is the leading Open-Source Subscription Billing & Payments Platform. For more information about the project, go to https://killbill.io/.