
Brick is a mini web framework which is derived from Bottle. Just for study.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Brick Web Framework

Brick is a mini web framework which is derived from Bottle. Brick have the same function of the Bottle. I do these just because bottle is only one file, i want to separate the function of the framework so that i can learn it more easily.

License: MIT (see LICENSE)

Installation and Dependencies

Install brick

git clone https://github.com/xsank/bottle.git

python setup.py install


from brick.brick import route,get,post,run,send_file
from brick.brick import request
from brick.template import template

from util import load_words

def index():
    return template('index',**load_words())

def static_file(filename):


I also use the Brick write an mini wiki project to test, all the source code is in example directory.