Game of Thrones Characters & Quotes App 🗡️


Explore the Game of Thrones universe with this web application, which fetches and seamlessly integrates data from two APIs:

  1. The Game of Thrones Quotes API randomly generates the name of a character and a matching quote.
  2. The name retrieved from API #1 is used in the Game of Thrones Character API to fetch an accompanying image.

Check out the app here!

Tech Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Lessons Learned

  • API Integration: Using data returned from one API to make a request to another.
  • Data Editing: Implementing conditionals, string methods, and/or regular expressions to edit API data, addressing grammar mistakes, misspellings, and other inconsistencies.
    • E.g. Not all quotes from API #1 end in a period. I used the slice() method to return the last character of every quote. Next, I checked if it was a lowercase character using the match() method with the regex /[a-z]/i. If it was a lowercase character, then the conditional statement simply added a period.
  • Data Overwriting: Resolving discrepancies in character names between the two APIs by overwriting or modifying the data as needed.
    • E.g. Some character names didn't match between the two APIs; one listed the character's full name, while the other used a nickname. I edited the nickname to reflect full name.
  • Data Insertion: Employing class constructors to add characters to API #2, along with their ID, first name, and image URL.
    • E.g. The character Mance Rayder exists in API #1 but not API #2, so I manually added his information to API #2.


I'm really proud of this project because of the meticulous effort I invested in editing and matching the data from the two APIs. I hope you have as much fun using the app as I did building it. 😄✨