Chinese Zodiac Calculator


  • The Chinese Zodiac is a system of astrology based on a 12-year cycle, where each year is associated with one animal: rat🐭, ox🐂, tiger🐯, rabbit🐰, dragon🐲, snake🐍, horse🐴, goat🐐, monkey🐵, rooster🐓, dog🐶, or pig🐷. Each animal has distinct personality traits and destinies, which are inherited by people born under its year.
  • This program takes any year (even 1, 9999, and beyond!) and calculates the zodiac animal that it's associated with, as well as personality traits and destinies.
  • Curious to know which animal sign you are? Use my Chinese Zodiac Calculator to find out!

image of program

Tech Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Lessons Learned

  • In JS, there are several ways to access and manipulate the content of a node within the DOM, e.g., .innerHTML, .innerText, .textContent. These properties must be used inside a function; if outside, they will select nothing.
  • You can make a gif the background of a website! So fun.


I had a blast making this project because it's related to my culture. It's also just fun to play around with astrology, even if there's no real science to it.