TV Show Ratings Tracker 📺⭐️


Welcome to the TV Show Ratings Tracker, a simple web application designed to help you keep track of your favorite TV shows and their ratings. This app allows users to add new shows, rate them using a star-based system, and delete shows when needed. Ratings are saved locally, ensuring they persist across sessions.


  • User Authentication: Implements Passport.js for secure local authentication, ensuring user data protection.
  • Note Management: Add and delete notes (question + answer pairs) for organized note-taking.
  • Dynamic Messages: View notes from other users, allowing for note-taking in a teamwork setting.
  • Real-time Updates: Dynamic updates to the UI when adding and deleting notes for a seamless user experience.

Tech Used

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Frontend technologies for building an interactive and engaging user interface.
  • Node.js: Backend JavaScript runtime.
  • Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js, simplifying route handling and middleware integration.
  • Embedded JavaScript (EJS): Templating engine for rendering dynamic content, simplifying the integration of server-side variables into HTML.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user information and TV show data.