A curated list of awesome Perl5 frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-go.
Not Perl6 modules ;-P
Recommend these list also.
- Task::Kensho
- Many Task::** Modules. (ex. Task::Plack, Task::BeLike::...)
- Benchmark
- Parallel::Benchmark - Benchmark in multiprocesses
- Class::Accessor::Lite - Simply accessor generator.
- Class::Accessor::Lite::Lazy - Generate lazy accessor.
- Moo - Class Builder supported Meta programmings.
- Mouse - Yet another class builder such as Moo/Moose.
- DBIx::Sunny - useful DBI Wrapper
- DBIx::TransactionManager
- DBIx::Handler - fork safe DBI handler
- DBIx::Inspector
- DBIx::QueryLog
Relational Databases
- DBD::mysql
- DBD::Pg - PostgreSQL driver for DBI.
- DBD::SQLite
NoSQL Databases
- Mango - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
- Cache::Memcached::Fast
- Redis
- Redis::Fast - using hiredis driver
- UnQLite
Serialize and formatting, parsing libraries
Libraries for working with dates and times.
Libraries that implement email creation and sending
- Path::Tiny - Simple interface object file manipulation.
Libraries for manipulating images.
Libraries for generating and working with log files.
Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques.
Libraries for package and dependency management.
- Parallel::ForkManager A simple parallel processing fork manager
- Parallel::Prefork A simple prefork server framework
- Proclet minimalistic Supervisor, perl port of foreman
- Devel::NYTProf - Code profiler.
- Devel::KYTProf - Very light profiler for SQL and Quering HTTP and other.
Protocol Clients and Libiraries
- LWP::UserAgent - Popular HTTP(S) Client
- Furl - Faster HTTP(S) Client
Libraries and tools for templating and lexing.
- Text::Xslate - Faster template engine with XS. support multiple syntax.
- Text::MircoTemplate - Fast and Simple and Safe templete engine written in PurePerl and Core Modules.
- Text::MircoTemplate::Extended - Support Extended Text::MicroTemplate.
- Tiffany - Generic Interface for Template Engines. Easy to use multiple template engines.
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.
Testing Frameworks
- Test::More
- Test::Class - Class base testing. support setup and teardown.
- Test::Deep
- Test::Deep::Matcher
- Test::Mock::Guard - Mocking package subroutines.
- Test::Mock::Time
- Test::Time - Simple faking time.
- Test::Fatal - Simple Verify Exceptions.
- Test::Exception
- Test::mysqld
- Test::TCP - launch temporary TCP Server
- Devel::Cover
- Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls Report to Coveralls
- Reply - Read-eval-print-loop(REPL) command
- Data::Printer - colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
- Amon2
- Mojolicious
- Kossy - Simply interface framework.
Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares.
- Plack - PSGI server implement and Utilities for Web applications.
- Starlet - High-performance PSGI Server
- Twiggy - Event-driven PSGI application server
- Server::Starter - Graceful restart process manager for server.
Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in