
Personal portfolio website - contains basic info, projects, resume, and contact

Primary LanguageJavaScript

scottxbrown.com - Portfolio Site

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Website to house my current portfolio and resume. Contact information available, as well as links to social media profiles.

Built with: React, React Animation-On-Scroll, Animate.css, EmailJS, React Icons, and Javascript.

Project Status

Website containing the current portfolio, resume, and contact info of Scott Brown. A simple and intuitive UI with consistent design/color branding throughout. All projects listed have links to the usable live version and also the source code.

Project Screen Shots

Landing page: landing page

Landing page (MOBILE VIEW): landing page mobile view

Skills section: skills section

Skills section (MOBILE VIEW): skills section mobile view

Projects section: projects section

Projects section (MOBILE VIEW): projects section mobile view

About section: about section

Contact section: contact section

Contact section (MOBILE VIEW): contact section mobile view


This project is a portfolio site for myself. Project goals included using technologies learned up until this point, gaining experience with a new CSS (Tailwind), and having a place to host my projects so they could be used/looked into for purposes of proving my abilities to recruiters/hiring managers.

I spent a week to prototype out the wesbite complete with UI design/color scheme/etc. I started this process by using the create-react-app boilerplate, then adding react-icons, and react-animation-on-scroll. Then, I only worked on this sparingly as I was focusing my time on finishing my projects to put on this portfolio site.

A challenge I ran into early on was how to link the contact form to sending an email to my inbox. I researched adn found a solution in emailJS and was able to implement in a day.

I spent a couple days optimizing the text, links, and icons when I finished my loan project and added that to the projects section of the site.

Once I added another project to the list (mockup site), I spent a week doing that, optimizing more code, and converting all my vanilla CSS to Tailwind. I chose to use Tailwind as it was something new to me, and seemed to be gaining popularity in the industry. During this time I learned quite a bit about Tailwind and how to customize it further through it's tailwind.config.js file.

I also decided to tackle something else new for me, which was adding a pop-up modal when users submitted an email through the contact form - BUT with an overlay and stopping the user's ability to scroll.

At the end of this period, I ended up with a site that has all the information needed to contact me for any reason, a quick bio about myself, and a portfolio of work to view.

The technologies implemented in this project are:

  • React
  • React Animation-On-Scroll
  • Tailwind
  • EmailJS
  • React Icons
  • Javascript/JSX