Simple echo server

This is a simple echo server with auth header on constant


  • first git clone
  • next do GO111MODULE=on go run main.go

How to connect

After run - you will get running http/ws server on port 8080 or what you set to -addr option before run command

For connect to echo server you need set custom header secretKey=54686973206973206d7920626f6f6d737469636b
in other case you will get error before connect upgrade on WS


Create simple CLI for this echo-server using and websocket client (gorilla/x/any)

CLI must be able to make auth before first command.
You need add -auth command that will be save given secret to file in tmp directory (windows/linux/mac) what will be used in next request for auth
if program can't find this file with secret - print help msg how to auth

CLI must accept command like -user-create myUser then send command to echo server and print result to console If you will get bad status (no auth, or bad secret) print to console with error