
Primary LanguageJavaScript


React Validation Library

Work on this documentation is in progress, it will be finished soon.


Example of usage (form with an input for username and a validation for username):

render () {
  let username = this.state.username
  return (...
      value={username.value} />

    <div>{username.showValidation ? username.message : null}</div>

    <Validate onValidation={this.handleUsernameValidation} >
      <IsRequired key="is-required" value={username.value} />
      <HasLength key="has-length" min={6} value={username.value} />
      <IsAlphanumeric key="is-alphanumeric" value={username.value} />
      <IsUnique key="is-unique" value={username.value} />

The onValidation handler has to be provided, typically it should update component state or dispatch the data, so that the validation result is present in component state or app state:

handleUsernameValidation({validationResult, showValidation}) {
  // update state with new validation data

To add validation for multiple fields:

<Validate onValidation={this.handleRePasswdValidation} >
  <AreSame key='are-same' value1={this.state.password} value2={this.state.rePassword} />

Rules are functions, for example:

function AreSame({value1, value2}) {
  if (value1 === value2) return {valid: true}
  else return {valid: false, reason: 'Values are different'}

Rule can also return a Promise:

function IsUnique({value}) {
  let isValid = value.indexOf('used') === -1
  let response = isValid ? {valid: true} : {valid: valse, reason: 'The value is not unique.'}
  return Promise.delay(10).then(() => response)

To write a custom rule, you just need to implement the function and make it accessible from the render method where the validation is.