- 0 no longer strictly true
#150 opened by miketaylr - 0
- 1
Multilingual support
#67 opened by NDevTK - 1
Hints in Contribution section
#148 opened by terjanq - 23
Add POC for connection pool attacks.
#115 opened by NDevTK - 3
ID Attribute framing protection bypass link
#140 opened by 003random - 1
Add interactive examples.
#129 opened by NDevTK - 1
Would "Existence oracle for Secure cookies on insecure Web origins" be a worthy addition?
#138 opened by jub0bs - 2
cache partitioning
#139 opened by 003random - 17
Cache Probing through image.complete property
#104 opened by riccardomerlano - 16
CORS error on Origin Reflection misconfiguration
#103 opened by Brasco - 2
CSS Injection section
#122 opened by terjanq - 6
Add device performance leaks.
#116 opened by NDevTK - 2 vs
#113 opened by NDevTK - 15
CSS Tricks
#108 opened by NDevTK - 2
Add Size Leaks
#31 opened by manuelvsousa - 8
ifCached alternative for chrome partitioned cache
#102 opened by NDevTK - 6
Media information leaks
#107 opened by NDevTK - 2
Add fingerprinting point of view to the wiki
#25 opened by manuelvsousa - 2
List of interesting stuff prone to XS-Leaks
#24 opened by manuelvsousa - 9
Resource Timing API/s
#68 opened by NDevTK - 0
Add more examples of utilising Frame Counting
#93 opened by terjanq - 2
Separate Contributors to a new article.
#81 opened by arturjanc - 0
- 2
- 5
- 1
Improve the History section in the Introduction
#41 opened by terjanq - 1
- 1
CORB link not working
#33 opened by Dedal0 - 1
Cool stuff about XS-Leaks
#32 opened by manuelvsousa - 0
Add XSS Filters (XSSAuditor)
#30 opened by manuelvsousa - 1
Wiki long term TODOS
#8 opened by manuelvsousa - 1
Improvements to Execution Timings
#18 opened by terjanq - 5
Re evaluate Frame Timing Attacks
#14 opened by manuelvsousa - 0
- 0
Implement AVOracle Article
#21 opened by manuelvsousa - 0
Defensive Design Article
#17 opened by manuelvsousa